As we've seen in our first tutorial, Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very important factor for a website and not only that it makes it search engine friendly but it has a very big impact on our traffic so I would call it the most important "must do" when creating a new website. We know how to title our pages and how to make our meta tags "friendly" so what's next?! In this tutorial we will learn about content, anchor links, inbound links, image titles, keyword density and positioning and many more. Let's start with the first one. Content Our content is very important because, in harmony with the other facts, it will reflect our activity in the best/richest way possible because there's no limit when it comes to this factor.
The more you have, the better they will see you (they = SE's). Content is KING! As long as it is original and somehow different from what we have to read on other websites you will see your traffic going up. Try to keep the source code of your page as small as you can compared to the visible text. Anchor Links The anchor link is the given name to a link that you put on your page. This is another very important way to tell search engines what you have to offer. Let's think about a page that we have, let's say that this page is about toys. From our home page we can simply put a line like "Click here to see the toys" and we have the link on "click here" and we can use this method: "Browse to see the toys" - the word "toys" has the link on it which will redirect us the the page with toys.
Two different methods but so important to search engines. The way you build your web page is very important. Inbound Links The inbound links are the links that you have on your partner's websites that point to your domain. This is yet another huge factor that can dramatically influent your search engine rankings. We will stay with the toys."Click here to see toys" - with a link on "click here" is nothing compared to one like "Toys" with the link on "Toys" that points to your domain. This method will tell search engines what your website is abouth without even spidering it first. Try to have as many inbound links as you can. Try to find partners for link exchange that share the same or almost the same activity like you. Search engines will see a community this way, a group and you will be ranked better, faster and higher.
Image titles If you use images in your web pages try to make sure you have titled them all like you see here in my example . Image titles can help a visitor browse your website faster if his browser, by some reason, does not display images, can help you build a SEO friendly page by placing your keywords inside your titles but don't abuse of this one. Remember that this is a hidden code after all and you need to keep that balance between visible content and source code. Keyword density and positioning Use keywords on your pages but don't just throw them in a small text, try to keep a certain density. 3 or 5% will be enough (try SearchStatus to easily measure your keyword density). Make sure you have content on every spiderable page that you build. Feed them! They're always hungry - remember this line! Always write something new. Keep a blog (that's my very best recommendation) and write about your company/activity. Write new things all the time and let your visitors interact and post comments. Remember to always correlate what you learned in our first SEO lesson (keywords, page title, page meta's) with the content of each page in part. Make them unique, different from one another, don't repeat your title and everything.
Analize your competitors This is one of the first things you should do after you decide on the main keyword. Do a Google search on that keyword and take the first result that is displayed (be careful and access the page that is the no.1 ranked on Google based on that keyword and not the payed ones - see image bellow). Red stands for paid results, advertised. Those guys paid to see their websites on the first pages. You will have to study the one that's inside the green line. Go on his website and analyze every factor that we discussed in our seo lessons. Compare your page with his and see where you're wrong. Stay close because we will continue this very soon and discuss about the things that you should avoid in SEO. Thank you for reading this, Mihalcea Romeo