Saturday, January 9, 2010

Facebook Markup Language (FBML)


From Facebook Developer Wiki

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Facebook Markup Language (FBML) enables you to build full Facebook Platform applications that deeply integrate into a user's Facebook experience. You can hook into several Facebook integration points, including the profile, profile actions, Facebook canvas, News Feed and Mini-Feed.
FBML is an evolved subset of HTML with some elements removed, and others which have been added that are specific to Facebook. You set the FBML for a profile box by calling profile.setFBML through the API. The FBML is cached on Facebook's server until profile.setFBML is called again through a canvas page. For a high-level technical spec for FBML, please see FBMLspec.
To see which HTML and FBML tags you can use in various parts of your application, such as canvas pages, email, or Feed stories, see Allowed FBML and HTML Tags.
You can define new FBML tags using Custom Tags. You can also use in your application custom tags that other developers created. To see the list of public tags from other developers, visit the Custom Tags Directory.
Note: For Facebook Connect applications that run outside the Facebook frame, you can use XFBML, which is a separate language from the one described here.




Note: For an alphabetical listing, see FBML tags.


Message Attachments

Additional Permissions

Deprecated Tags

  • fb:if-is-own-profile
  • fb:if-user-has-added-app
  • fb:networklink
  • fb:notif-subject
  • fb:notif-page
  • fb:notif-email
  • fb:profile-action
  • fb:rock-the-vote
  • fb:userlink
  • fb:visible-to-added-app-users
  • fb:visible-to-user

Dynamic FBML attributes

Usage Notes

Invalid CSS Attributes

Certain CSS properties are stripped by Facebook Platform for security purposes. This section needs updating. We'll get to it soon.
As of Dec 7, 2007, "position: absolute" maybe cause compatibility problems as mentioned here:

How to add a custom tab to your Facebook fan page

Since I led a webinar this week about Twitter and Facebook usage this week for HigherEdHero, I’ve received a lot of questions from folks wanting to know how we added a custom tab to my institution’s fan page. I thought it’d be a worthwhile blog post to show you how we did it, and to see if there are easier ways to accomplish what we have.
We have a “Welcome” tab on our page with some general campus information. It looks like this:
Picture 10
Here’s how to add a similar tab to your institution’s fan page. Keep in mind you must be an administrator of the page you want to add the tab to.
First, search for the FBML app. You can just enter in FBML in the search box on any page.
Picture 1
You’ll want the application called Static FBML. It will look like this. You can click for a larger size image.
Picture 2
Visit the application’s page, which looks like this. You’ll want to say “Add to my Page.”
Picture 3
When you add it to your page, you can choose what pages or applications you want to add the FBML to. You can add it to multiple pages, but be aware that you can only have 1 FBML application on a page, unfortunatly.
Picture 4
At this point, begin editing your page. Find the FBML area and click on the pencil icon to start editing it.
Picture 5
You’ll be given an area where you can title your box as well as edit the content. In box title, enter what you want the text of your tab to say. Don’t worry if you don’t know FBML, you don’t need to. You can put straight up HTML in here, complete with images and more.
Picture 6
Once you’ve got your content in the box (and don’t worry, you can always edit or add more later), it’s time to add it to your page. Go back to your fan page and click on the plus sign (+), which should be the last tab in the row, like such:
Picture 7
When you click the plus sign, you should see all the applications and content you can add as a tab. One of the choices should be the box name you entered when editing the FBML box. Click on it and it will be added to your page.
Picture 8
Click on the tab and if everything’s gone correctly, you should see the HTML content you entered in. Here’s what I see using the HTML I entered a few screens ago.
Picture 9
There you go – you should now have a brand new tab on your fan page you can add all sorts of neat content to.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

jQuery Flash Plugin - MP3 Player

jQuery Flash Plugin - MP3 Player

This example uses the Single MP3 Player.Javascript:
        { src: 'singlemp3player.swf', height: 20, width: 100 },
        { version: 7 },
        function(htmlOptions) {
            $this = $(this);
            htmlOptions.flashvars.file = $this.attr('href');
  • sound.mp3
  • After:
  • sound.mp3
  • Zend Framework

    Zend Framework is open source PHP Framework.

    What is Zend Framework?

    • framework for building web faster and robust.
    • Created by the company main supporters of PHP, Zend.
    • Supporting web 2.0 and cloud computing technologies.

    Why Zend Framework?

    • Free and open source framework
    • Extreme Simplicity
    • High productivity
    • Flexible Architecture
    • Supported by more than 300 contributor, include IBM and other major companies

    Where you can get it?

    Whenever You Need Zend Framework?

    • When building the web with sufficient complexity

    Face Book Applications

    A Facebook application can take on many forms. However, to fully utilize the suite of integration points and deliver a full user experience, we recommend integrating your application into the following areas of the Facebook profile:
    1. Application Directory
    2. Application Profile
    3. Canvas Page
    4. Profile
      1. Profile Boxes
      2. Applications Menu
      4. Application Tabs
      5. Boxes Tab
      6. Application Info Sessions
      7. Publisher
      8. Feed Forms
    5. Privacy Settings
    6. News Feed
    7. Alerts
    8. Requests
    9. User Dashboard
    10. Interacting with Users
    On this page, you'll see how our sample application Smiley integrates many of these various components. Note that none of these integration points are mandatory, but the more you include in your application the richer the user experience becomes

    Application Directory

    Many users may find your application by browsing the Facebook Application Directory. This is where beautiful imagery and concise, descriptive text pay off. You need to submit your application to Facebook so it can be included in the directory.

    Application Profile

    The Application Profile tells users about your application and is accessed from the Facebook Application Directory. It should inspire users to interact with your application. The profile is a Facebook Page

    Canvas Page

    This is the main page of your application on Facebook. Application canvas pages appear within the Facebook frame and can either be FBML (Facebook's version of HTML) or an external Web site presented within an iframe.


    The Facebook profile is the online representation of a user's real world identity. We have included many integration points on the profile. This enables you to empower users to express themselves through your application.

    Profile Box

    The profile box is usually the place to show the most recently updated information or the most recent actions of the user. This information should reflect how the user would want to represent their identity through your application on their profile.
    The user can choose to put your box on the main section of her profile (the Wall and Info tabs - see Smiley in the lower left corner of the image), or can put it on the Boxes tab (see below).

    Applications Menu

    The Applications menu is where users go to access your applications. They can bookmark applications, edit application settings, and go to their recently viewed and bookmarked applications.


    Bookmarks appear on every user's home page as well as on the Applications menu.

    Application Tabs

    Application tabs let users feature full canvas-like pages for applications they enjoy the most. Tabs behave like a hybrid of a canvas page and a profile box
    More information about tabs and how they behave can be found on the Developers Wiki

    Boxes Tab

    The Boxes tab contains application profile boxes. Users can move profile boxes from the main profile to the Boxes tab and vice versa.

    Application Info Sessions

    The Info tab on the profile allows users to express their interests in a more structured way than before. Users can add structured information from your applications by way of application info sections. An application info section is a list of text and/or images provided by your application.
    When a user chooses to add an application info section, you set the format with the profile.setInfo API call.


    Applications can integrate into the Publisher so users can create or find rich content and post it directly into their own or their friends' Walls. And these stories can leverage any of the new Feed story sizes — see below for more details.

    Feed Forms

    Feed forms are special FBML components that allow applications to publish Feed stories on the behalf of users. Your application can publish directly into the user's and the user's friends' Mini-Feeds.

    Privacy Settings

    Users can set their privacy options from your application's privacy/settings page. These options include approval for publishing stories...
    ... and whether the user wants to add or remove your application's profile box, tab, and info section, and who can see these elements.
    A user can also decide whether to add a bookmark for your application. Bookmarks appear on the Applications menu — see above.

    News Feed

    Applications can access News Feed and post stories to it. Each user has a maximum number of News Feed stories that they can see from all applications. Once that maximum is reached they cannot see any more application stories during that sweep. For example, the Photos application publishes News Feed stories about photos your friends have uploaded recently.
    You send News Feed stories as notifications; use Notifications.send.
    In addition, your application can post stories directly onto users' profiles by using Feed forms (see above).


    Applications can send notifications to a user through email. Users must grant your application permission before they can receive email. The user of the application who triggers this action must approve of the email. You send email with notifications.sendEmail.


    Applications can create requests that show up at the top right of a user's homepage. These requests are usually initiated by a user's friend and often require the user to take some form of action. An example of this in the Photos application is a photo tag request confirmation.
    Like News Feed stories, requests are also sent in the form of notifications, so use notifications.send.

    User Dashboard

    The user dashboard is usually accessed at the top of the application's canvas page. This is where users manage their own content within an application or see information about another user's content within that application.
    To create a dashboard, use the fb:dashboard FBML tag.

    Interacting with Users

    While the current version of the API does not support performing Facebook-specific actions directly, you can direct your users to various Facebook pages to perform an action. To do this, link the user to one of the following pages:
    To...Use this URL...
    View the specified user's profile.
    Poke the specified user.
    Send a message to the specified user.
    Note: {{c|subject}} and {{c|msg}} parameters are optional ways to pre-fill the contents of the message (the user will still be able to edit the message before sending).
    Add the specified user as a friend.
    See photos taken by the specified user.
    Read or post on the specified user's Wall.
    Read the specified user's notes.
    Note: Facebook doesn't look fondly upon spammy behavior, so please don't encourage your users to abuse this functionality.

    jqPlot Examples

    jqPlot Examples
    jqPlot has numerous charting features. Each category below demonstrates certain aspects of jqPlots capabilities. The source code to generate the charts is shown along with the rendered plot.
    Core plotting functionality.
    Axis Auto Scaling Options.
    Axis Labels.
    Pie Charts
    Multiple Y Axes
    Log Axes
    Date Axes
    Data Point Highlighter
    Open Hi Low Close and Candlestick Charts
    Plot Zooming
    Zooming by Remote Control
    Charts in Tabs and Accordions
    Cursor Lines and Data Tracking
    Category Axes
    Bar Charts
    Charts Filled Toward Zero
    Drag and Drop and Trend Lines
    Stacked Bar and Line Charts
    Data Point and Bar Chart Labels
    Rotated Axis Text  

    JQuery Chart for PHP

    JQuery Chart for PHP

    jQuery Visualize Plugin: Accessible Charts & Graphs from Table Elements using HTML 5 Canvas

    Accessible data visualization in HTML has always been tricky to achieve, particularly because elements such as images allow only the most basic features for providing textual information to non-visual users. A while back, we wrote an article describing a technique we came up with to use JavaScript to scrape data from an HTML table and generate charts using the HTML 5 Canvas element. The technique is particularly useful because the data for the visualization already exists in the page in structured tabular format, making it accessible to people who browse the web with a screen reader or other assistive technology.
    We've now rewritten and extended the code behind this technique and packaged it up as a new jQuery plugin called "visualize", which you can download below. The plugin provides a simple method for generating bar, line, area, and pie charts from an HTML table, and allows you to configure them in a variety of ways.

    First, a quick demo

    In the example below, we have an HTML table populated with sample data of a number of employees and their sales by store department. We've generated 4 charts from this table, which are shown below.

    So how does it work?

    First, you'll need to create the table markup:
    ...repetitive rows removed for brevity.   
    2009 Individual Sales by Category
    Note that we've used a caption element to summarize the table data. This will be used by the visualize plugin to create a title on your graph. We've also defined our table headings using th elements, letting the script know which cells it should use as the titles for a data set.
    Now that we have our HTML table, we can generate a chart. Just attach jQueryJavaScript and CSS files to your page, and call the visualize() method on the table, like this: and our visualize plugin's
    That's it! By default, the visualize plugin will generate the first bar chart shown above and append it to your page directly after the table.

    Working with a generated chart

    Finding the generated chart on the page

    Once you call the visualize() method on a table, the new chart element will be returned to the method, allowing you to continue your jQuery chain acting upon the chart instead of the table. Charts generated by this plugin are contained within a div element with a class of "visualize" as well as a class of the chart type, such as "visualize-pie". These classes make it easy to find your chart after it's generated, for additional presentation and behavioral modifications. Another nice way to do this is to store your generated chart in a variable, like this: var myChart = $('table').visualize();. Then you can simply reference myChart later on in your script to make any modifications to it, or to remove it from the page.

    Updating a chart

    Every chart generated by the visualize plugin has a custom event that can be used to refresh itself using its original settings, including which table it should pull data from. This is handy for dynamic pages with charts that can update frequently. In fact, we made use of this event when creating the editable table example above. To refresh an existing chart, simple trigger the visualizeRefresh event on the generated chart element, like this:

    Appending the chart to other areas of the page

    Since calling the visualize() method returns the new chart element, it's easy to immediately append the chart to another area of the page using jQuery's appendTo method. However, once you move the chart to another area in the DOM, you must trigger the visualizeRefresh method on it in order for it to display properly in Internet Explorer 6 and 7. The following code demonstrates appending the chart to the end of the page, and then triggering the visualizeRefresh method on it:

    Use CSS to Configure the Text

    The CSS file that accompanies the visualize plugin handles much of the presentation for the key, title, grid lines, and axis labels. So for instance, if you need to change the placement of the key, simply edit the CSS rules that apply to it (we customized the key in the pie chart example above using this same approach).

    Configuring Visualize with options

    The following options are available in this plugin:
    • type: string. Accepts 'bar', 'area', 'pie', 'line'. Default: 'bar'.
    • width: number. Width of chart. Defaults to table width
    • height: number. Height of chart. Defaults to table height
    • appendTitle: boolean. Add title to chart. Default: true.
    • title: string. Title for chart. Defaults to text of table's Caption element.
    • appendKey: boolean. Add the color key to the chart. Default: true.
    • colors: array. Array items are hex values, used in order of appearance. Default: ['#be1e2d','#666699','#92d5ea','#ee8310','#8d10ee','#5a3b16','#26a4ed','#f45a90','#e9e744']
    • textColors: array. Array items are hex values. Each item corresponds with colors array. null/undefined items will fall back to CSS text color. Default: [].
    • parseDirection: string. Direction to parse the table data. Accepts 'x' and 'y'. Default: 'x'.
    • pieMargin: number. Space around outer circle of Pie chart. Default: 20.
    • pieLabelPos: string. Position of text labels in Pie chart. Accepts 'inside' and 'outside'. Default: 'inside'.
    • lineWeight: number. Stroke weight for lines in line and area charts. Default: 4.
    • barGroupMargin: number. Space around each group of bars in a bar chart. Default: 10.
    • barMargin: number. Creates space around bars in bar chart (added to both sides of each bar). Default: 1
    To use the options, simply pass them as an argument to the visualize()visualize({ optionA: valueA, optionB: valueB});). method using object literal notation, just like most other jQuery plugins you're used to ( for example:

    Live Options Configuration Demo

    To experiment with these options, try out the following configuration demo:

    Download the Code!

    You can download the scripts and a demo page in the following zip file: The plugin itself is licensed for free distribution with MIT and GPL licenses, just like jQuery itself.

    Browser Support

    We have tested this plugin in the following browsers: IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Opera 9.

    Note for Internet Explorer support

    This plugin uses the HTML 5 canvas element, which is not supported in an version of Internet Explorer at this time. Fortunately, Google maintains a library that translates canvas scripting into VML, allowing it to work in all versions of internet explorer. The script is included in the zip. To use it, just be sure to include the script in your page using a conditional comment, like this:

    Still to-do

    While this plugin is fairly feature-complete and works well across the major browsers, we would like to consider implementing the following features:
    • Key text formatting: The ability to configure the text in the keys to show member title, total percentage, total amount, and more
    • Interactivity: We may experiment with adding datapoint tooltips, and other ways to interact with the visualization.
    • Support for data subsets: The ability to specify a subset of the table rows and columns for visualizing.

    JQuery Plugins - 6

    JQuery Plugins - 6 

    Color Picker

    Filed in Widgets - 7 months ago
    A simple component to select color in the same way you select color in Adobe Photoshop
    Color Picker


    Filed in Animation & Effects, Windows & Overlays - 7 months ago
    jGrowl is a jQuery plugin that raises unobtrusive messages within the browser, similar to the way that OS X's Growl Framework works.


    Filed in Forms - 7 months ago
    A progressive enhancement to <select multiple> form elements.


    Filed in Forms, Navigation - 7 months ago
    Unique UI control that allows users to select from a complex hierarchical tree of options.


    Filed in User Interface - 7 months ago
    SimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a simple interface to create a modal dialog.

    The goal of SimpleModal is to provide developers with a cross-browser overlay and container that will be populated with data provided.

    Date Range Picker

    Filed in Forms - 7 months ago
    A date range picker, built using jQuery UI
    Date Range Picker

    Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview

    Filed in User Interface - 7 months ago
    Tooltip-like bubble popups that appears when you roll over link or a thumbnail.
    Easiest Tooltip and Image Preview

    Masked Input Plugin

    Filed in Forms - 7 months ago
    This is a masked input plugin for the jQuery javascript library. It allows a user to more easily enter fixed width input where you would like them to enter the data in a certain format (dates,phone numbers, etc).
    Masked Input Plugin

    Humanized Messages

    Filed in Windows & Overlays - 7 months ago
    Humanized Messages is a javascript-based system for non-model notifications, from an idea by Jef Raskin, as relayed by Aza Raskin and adapted for jQuery and use with K2 by Michael Heilemann.
    Humanized Messages

    jQuery File Tree

    Filed in Navigation - 7 months ago
    jQuery File Tree is a configurable, AJAX file browser plugin for jQuery. You can create a customized, fully-interactive file tree with as little as one line of JavaScript code.

    jQuery UI Slider

    Filed in Forms - 7 months ago
    selectToUISlider plugin uses progressive enhancement to scrape the data from a select element (or two for a range) and generate a jQuery UI Slider in its place, acting as a proxy to the select element (regardless of whether it is still visible, or hidden from the user).
    jQuery UI Slider


    Filed in Forms - 7 months ago
    markItUp! is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It allows you to turn any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode or even your own Markup system can be easily implemented.


    Filed in Windows & Overlays - 7 months ago
    FancyBox is tool for displaying images, html content and multi-media in a Mac-style "lightbox" that floats overtop of web page. Built using the jQuery library.


    Filed in Animation & Effects - 7 months ago
    GlassBox is a lightweight JavaScript User Interface (UI) library, which use Prototype and for some effects. GlassBox lets you easily build lucent borders, colorful layouts and "Flash-like" effects.


    Filed in Animation & Effects, Navigation - 7 months ago
    Facebox is a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages.

    It's simple to use and easy on the eyes. Download the tarball, view the examples, then start enjoying the curves.


    Filed in Animation & Effects, Navigation - 7 months ago
    Galleria is a Javascript image gallery written in jQuery. It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded. It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled, centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS.

    Flot Javascript plotting library

    Filed in Chart & Graph - 7 months ago
    Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side.
    Flot Javascript plotting library


    Filed in Tables - 7 months ago
    Tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. Tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell.


    Filed in Menus, Navigation - 7 months ago
    jGlideMenu is an updated version of the fastFind Menu that supports inline and AJAX menu definitions and uses an easier syntax.


    Filed in Forms - 8 months ago
    This script is for people who wants to have a consistent look for checkboxes across browser or those who simply want them to look better. By using this script you won't loose any of the regular inputs usability.


    Filed in Forms - 8 months ago
    A solution to comment boxes that are always too small for long comment. As the user enter comment in this box, the box will stretch so the full comment will always be visible, making it easier for the user to review and edit his comment before posting it.


    Filed in Forms, Windows & Overlays - 8 months ago
    It provides a nice popup to display simple content or simple forms.


    Filed in Media, Navigation - 8 months ago
    Another way to display galleries


    Filed in Animation & Effects, Media - 8 months ago
    jQuery lightbox clone. Supports gallery, images, Flash and Movies.

    Horizontal Accordion

    Filed in Menus, Navigation - 8 months ago
    This jQuery plugin allows you to easily transform any unordered list into a horizontal menu.
    Horizontal Accordion


    Filed in Forms - 8 months ago
    ptTimeSelect is a jQuery plugin that provides a UI for a user to define and set a time on a user form.

    Taconite Plugin

    Filed in DOM, Extensions - 8 months ago
    The jQuery Taconite Plugin allows you to easily make multiple DOM updates using the results of a single AJAX call. It processes an XML command document that contain instructions for updating the DOM.
    Taconite Plugin

    Round Corners plugin

    Filed in Effects - 8 months ago
    Rounded corners without images. Plus lots of other corner adornments, like bevel, notch, curl, etc,.
    Round Corners plugin

    Media Plugin

    Filed in Integration, Media - 8 months ago
    The jQuery Media Plugin supports unobtrusive conversion of standard markup into rich media content. It can be used to embed virtually any media type, including Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media Player, Real Player, MP3, Silverlight, PDF and more, into a web page.
    Media Plugin

    HoverPulse Plugin

    Filed in Effects, Media - 8 months ago
    Pulse an image on mouse hover.

    BlockUI Plugin

    Filed in Animation & Effects, DOM, Extensions - 8 months ago
    BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser[1]. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction.
    BlockUI Plugin


    Filed in Tables, User Interface - 8 months ago
    Colorize is a jQuery plugin to add background color to alternate HTML table rows, highlight a row/column on mouse over, and colorize a row/column when you click your mouse button over it. You can colorize as many table rows or columns as you want. A repeat mouse click reverts the row/column to the original background color.

    Cycle Plugin

    Filed in Animation & Effects - 8 months ago
    The jQuery Cycle Plugin is a lightweight slideshow plugin.
    Cycle Plugin

    Date Picker

    Filed in Forms - 8 months ago
    Clean, unobtrusive plugin for jQuery which allows you to easily add date inputing functionality to your web forms and pages. Designed from the ground up to be flexible and extensible, the date picker can be used in unlimited ways to allow you to add calendar widgets to your pages.
    Date Picker


    Filed in Browser Tweaks, Events - 8 months ago
    Implements keyword shortcut keys for website.


    Filed in Navigation - 8 months ago
    Pager is a jQuery plugin that adds pagination to web content.


    Filed in Forms, Extensions - 8 months ago
    Autosave is designed to save the progress of forms by saving the fields to cookies so you won't lose anything should anything go wrong

    The plug-in saves the form fields at certain intervals (the default is every 10 seconds) and whenever you leave the page.

    Magic Preview

    Filed in Effects, Forms - 8 months ago
    Magic Preview automatically updates selected elements on a page based on form fields. Perfect for previewing forms.
    Magic Preview

    Quick Search

    Filed in Forms, Tables - 8 months ago
    Allows user to perform quick search on tables, large table, paragraphs, lists, table.
    Quick Search


    Filed in Extensions - 8 months ago
    Viewport ads couple of extra selectors to jQuery. With these selectors you can check whether element is inside or outside of viewport.

    Lazy Load

    Filed in Events - 8 months ago
    Lazy loader is a jQuery plugin written in JavaScript. It delays loading of images in (long) web pages. Images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) wont be loaded before user scrolls to them.
    Lazy Load

    File Style

    Filed in Forms - 8 months ago
    Browsers do not let you style file inputs. File Style plugin fixes this problem. It enables you to use image as browse button. You can also style filename field as normal textfield using css. It is written using JavaScript and jQuery.
    File Style


    Filed in Events, Forms - 8 months ago
    jQuery edit in place plugin.


    Filed in Forms - 8 months ago
    Autocomplete an input field to enable users quickly finding and selecting some value, leveraging searching and filtering. By giving an autocompleted field focus or entering something into it, the plugin starts searching for matching entries and displays a list of values to choose from. By entering more characters, the user can filter down the list to better matches.


    Filed in Animation & Effects, Effects - 8 months ago
    InnerFade is a small plugin for the jQuery-JavaScript-Library. It's designed to fade you any element inside a container in and out. These elements could be anything you want, e.g. images, list-items, divs. Simply produce your own slideshow for your portfolio or advertisings. Create a newsticker or do an animation.